Wednesday, May 7, 2014

We’re all here. Alive and unwell

We’re all here. Alive and unwell
But we don’t have to be if we want to.
What’s the purpose of life? Why are we here? Why do we do what we do?

These are the question we all ask. And it’s a great question to ask. The answer for me is to be happy. Yes happiness is the purpose of life. That’s why you are here, to be happy.

Now definition of happiness may differ from person to person. For me
I have a friend whose definition of happiness is
Happiness=Connecting with other human being
For you it could be love, passion, sharing, thrill, peace.

What happiness means and comes from can be traced back to the values one person has. If present condition of mind aligns with the top most values, this person will be happy.
My top value is FREEDOM, so it makes perfect sense to me that happiness is excitement. So to be happy we have to do or move towards things that harmonize with our values.
For example if peace of mind is your primary value of life than it will be very hard for you to be happy in a loud party or a fun rally.

One of the many reasons people are alive and unwell is because they either live a life that is not in harmony with their present values or their happiness is firmly tied with external things.

Conscious happiness  
Happiness is a state of mind only. It is within us always. And in any moment of time we can choose to be happy or miserable. Choice is yours.  Choose to be happy.

Monday, May 5, 2014

10 movies I would see again and again and agian

If i get a time machine, I would avoid many mistakes I did in the past like going out with my ex, going to college, jumping from 8 feet tall wall just to prove a point (not a good idea). And I would many things among those would be few movies which still inspire and touch me like its the first viewing . These are movies which I come back to whenever I feel little uncomfortable or disconnected with self. 

Fight club