Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Be thankful

Be thankful

You have lot going for your life, you are blessed and highly favored. Be thankful. Count your blessings.
“You’ve got to tell God thank you every day.” ~Russell Simmons

The fastest way to be rich is to acknowledge all the amazing wealth you get to enjoy just by being here, just by breathing.
Be grateful for the heart that is beating 24/7, be grateful for the eyes that lets you enjoy the amazing world, be grateful for the legs that takes you places, be grateful for the body that lets you experience life.
Only the loved ones of dead knows the value of just being alive, so be thankful for just being alive.

Be grateful that you know how to read, be grateful that you know how read English, be grateful for each and every aspect of your life. Say thank you for your blessings for you have millions of it.

Every moment you are showered with gifts and blessings and miracles so why will you not say thank you?
Say thanks for your family, for your friends, for your neighbors.

“What a wonderful life I had! I only wish I realized it sooner.”
~ Colette, twentieth-century French novelist

Don't wait till its too late find somethings that are amazing right now and just ponder on that thought a bit, let the feeling of gratitude engulf you.

I am so very grateful, I am so much blessed, I love this life and I love this experience.

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