Wednesday, May 13, 2015

One affirmation for the growth of your self image

One affirmation for the growth of your self image
see thyself as a champion

 Self-image means the way you see yourself in the minds eye or the self concept you have of yourself.

And a healthy, good feeling self image is the starting point to any goals we might have. You cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. when your
image improves, your performance improves which means you as a man improve.

What you are now is the out picture of what you think you are inside. Think of life as a projector that projects out sum of all your ideas about yourself and life itself.

So to improve yourself in any area you have to change your image in a way that lets you be excellent in that task. And of the easiest process to do it is affirming (telling yourself either loudly or in minds voice) "I like myself","I like myself","I like myself","I like myself".....

Whenever you get few minutes tell yourself   "I like myself".
Cleaning home? "I like myself" "I like myself" "I like myself"
Stuck in traffic? "I like myself" "I like myself" "I like myself"
Bored in class? "I like myself" "I like myself" "I like myself"
Just woke up?  "I like myself" "I like myself" "I like myself".........

if we don't start, it's certain we can't arrive

Do it, try doing this for 21 days and see what happens

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