Thursday, October 9, 2014

The good news is

The good news is that they don't know either.

The good news is that they haven't figured it out yet.
The good news is that they haven't succeeded either.
The good news is that they are a failure too.
The good news is that they are pretending too.
The good news is that they are waiting too.
The good news is that they are dreaming too.
The good news is that they are stupid too.

Chuck said it so beautifully in Fight Club
You do the little job you're trained to do.
Pull a lever.
Push a button.
You don't understand any of it, and then you just die.

Everyone has their own micro management job. Trying to rearranging so it makes sense.

So relax, chill, you can't do anything.They can't either.

Humans are trying to figure out some sense of the world for thousands of years, why not let them run in circles for some more.
Relax. If they wake up they will call you. We are in this together remember?
You are not alone. Look around. You are not alone in this mess.

Friday, September 26, 2014

It is ok to feel like shit for it is a wake-up call.

When you feel like giving up, feel like nothing is working and things are in a downward spiral. Know that you are awake. Know that reality has finally caught up with you. Know that you have been tripping your balls off on some good drugs and now it’s time for hang over. Rejoice, celebrate.

When I used to feel bad I would go and watch TV, then I grew up. Now I read books or go on walks or try to count all the things that I am grateful for or may be meditate. But you know what it does not change the fact that I am feeling bad. I am feeling terrible and I want to destroy everything around me.

 I want to burn the world and all the shits of this world with it. Don’t get me wrong I am a good person. Almost as good as you but I can’t help it. I am awake. I am just awake. In this glorious moment of my anger and frustration I see the world as it is.  I see that all my friends are assholes, my loving family is rotten fish, my accomplishments are loads of crap, my girlfriend is a parasite, I am a delusional, judgmental, self-centered worm. Don’t think you are any better than me, I bet you are 100 times worse than me check that, 1000 times worse.    

Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up.- ANTHONY DE MELLO

It is completely ok. It is ok to feel like shit. It is the best thing that can happen to anybody. Don’t fight it, don’t hold back, feel it, for it is freedom. Do not rationalize, do not divert attention, and don’t even listen. Be still and let the anger rise, sink in your depression, be there and it will show you what it was meant to show you.

Want a hint? It will show you an ugly world. See it. Would you rather sleep? Would you rather be in a broken dream?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

why am I here?

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life… Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it."

“Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it.”
~ Buddha

“You have a talent that is unique in its expression, so unique that there’s no one else alive on this planet that has that talent, or that expression of that talent. This means that there’s one thing you can do, and one way of doing it, that is better than anyone else on this entire planet.”
~ Deepak Chopra

“Everything—a horse, a vine—is created for some duty… For what task, then, were you yourself created? A man’s true delight is to do the things he was made for.”
~Marcus Aurelius

Why am I here?
What is my mission?
What am I here to do?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Would you rather sit and cry?

There is a story that goes something like this, A man was sitting and crying in a bus station. People were passing him by with out thinking twice. An elderly man stopped and asked "what are you doing?" "Crying" said the man. "Yes but why? a grown man like you shouldn't cry on the street, whats the matter?" asked the old man. "I got on a wrong bus, rode for hours and by the time I realized that I was going on a wrong direction i reached here". Old man could not understood so he asked "why don't you take a bus and go where you want to go?" The man looked puzzled, "but I have done a terrible mistake should I not be crying? should I not repent?" asked the man. "No! you should find the bus that is going to the destination you want to go" told the old man. "But". the man tried to reason. Old man interrupted him saying "would you rather sit and cry while your goal is still far away ? why not be sensitive next time, why not cry and run towards your goal , why not be a man instead of a cry baby?

So I ask you would you rather sit and cry? would cry and be fat? would cry and be skinny? would cry and be lazy? would you cry and be with that asshole/bitch? would you cry and continue studying the boring subject(EEE in my case) ?............?


Friday, June 27, 2014

Life is what I let it to be

Life is what I let it to be. In every moment I am presented with many choices. Choice to grow or die, choice to love or ignore, choice to judge or accept, choice to allow or resists, choice to fight or flight, choice to choose or wait.

In a world of constant demand and chaos, the ability to choose is true power. I am grateful for the gift of choice or freewill. We all have this power and we are constantly utilizing this power consciously or subconsciously.

It is a great power. And by the law of spider man movies we know

How I am feeling right now is directly related to the thoughts I am allowing to be processed in my mind right now. My life right now is directly related to the amount of the time I allow myself to feel good. So 'right now' is deciding my life and I am deciding my 'right now' by thinking.

Ultimately everything in life comes down to our thinking.As a man thinketh, so shall he become.

Life is trying to be many thing for us. Sometimes
  • Life is a game
  • Life is a war
  • Life is sacred
  • Life is flow
  • Life is a test
  • Life is a gift
  • Life is .......

Life is what you let it to be.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Your norms scare me

Your norms scare me. I get nightmare. I know not much but little that I know tells me that ordinarily accepted world is a very ordinary place to live in. I fear ordinary life more than I fear uncertainty. 


Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -Friedrich Nietzsche

This fear of norms has created a feeling inside me. An itch, a burn, a drive. And Now I shall not stop until I become superman(overman) or at least a better man.

 I feel this great burning sensation in my body, a feeling that where I am is not enough, what I am is not enough. I tried to define this feeling as frustration but frustrations do not get this intense. Imagine a red ball of fire inside your body where your Manipura chakra should be.

I like to believe that it as hunger, hunger for more. This feeling is good or bad I do not know yet. I hate the feeling but this is the feeling that gives me the courage to stand up for what I believe in, it provides me the drive to work on improving myself even when my body tells me to lie down and sleep, this is the force that pushes me to go beyond my needs and become more than a selfish fluid bag.

Blessing or a curse I wonder. I only know that before I developed this uncomfortable yet powerful hunger in my soul, I was a quitter. No worse than quitter I was static, I was reactive, I was waiting, I was dead. Now I am no better than before in lot of terms but I am moving, I am creating, I am taking control, I am living.
This intense mixed feelings of desire, depression, irritation and expectation is the single thing that differentiate me from my family, friends.This makes me who I am now. I want to see where does it take me?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

9 Surprisingly Depressing Quotations From Fight Club

I love Fight Club. I often picture myself as Tyler. I sometime punch myself, it feels good, like meditation good. Keeps things in perspective. Even though the movie and the book has been helping me in terms of entertainment and being a bad ass some of (most of) it's quote can be really depressing. Here are Nine,

"You do the little job trained to do.
Pull a lever. Push a button.
You don't understand any of it, and you just die"

"Worker bees can leave. Even drones can fly away. The Queen is their slave."

"Then you're trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you."

"if you don't know what you want, you end up with lot you don't want"

"May I never be complete. May I never be content. May I never be perfect"

"You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you."

"Nothing static. Everything is falling apart"

"Getting fired, is the best thing that could happen to any of us. That way, we'd quit treading water and something with our lives."

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

We’re all here. Alive and unwell

We’re all here. Alive and unwell
But we don’t have to be if we want to.
What’s the purpose of life? Why are we here? Why do we do what we do?

These are the question we all ask. And it’s a great question to ask. The answer for me is to be happy. Yes happiness is the purpose of life. That’s why you are here, to be happy.

Now definition of happiness may differ from person to person. For me
I have a friend whose definition of happiness is
Happiness=Connecting with other human being
For you it could be love, passion, sharing, thrill, peace.

What happiness means and comes from can be traced back to the values one person has. If present condition of mind aligns with the top most values, this person will be happy.
My top value is FREEDOM, so it makes perfect sense to me that happiness is excitement. So to be happy we have to do or move towards things that harmonize with our values.
For example if peace of mind is your primary value of life than it will be very hard for you to be happy in a loud party or a fun rally.

One of the many reasons people are alive and unwell is because they either live a life that is not in harmony with their present values or their happiness is firmly tied with external things.

Conscious happiness  
Happiness is a state of mind only. It is within us always. And in any moment of time we can choose to be happy or miserable. Choice is yours.  Choose to be happy.

Monday, May 5, 2014

10 movies I would see again and again and agian

If i get a time machine, I would avoid many mistakes I did in the past like going out with my ex, going to college, jumping from 8 feet tall wall just to prove a point (not a good idea). And I would many things among those would be few movies which still inspire and touch me like its the first viewing . These are movies which I come back to whenever I feel little uncomfortable or disconnected with self. 

Fight club

Friday, April 25, 2014

One song is enough

Sometimes I feel like an empty room. I know what should be done or whats important. I know I have to move but can't seem to find that deriving force to move. Feeling like a peace of meet. This other day I had a singing class to attend but couldn't get myself out of the house.

I sat on the computer and played one of my favorite songs. One min later I was bouncing with energy. I felt excited. Four min later I dressed up and went for the voice lesson.

Sometimes one song is enough to kick you in butt and get you moving.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Why my relationship didn’t work out

Why my relationship didn’t work out?
1.       I was not ready for her
2.       She was too good for me
3.       I liked her friend more
4.       I was introverted and she was extroverted
5.       She had huge emotional baggage
6.       I expected something magical and all I got is hugs, kisses, support and some exercise.
7.       I was too romantic and she was too sexual or,
8.       I was too sexual and she was too romantic
9.       I hated the fact that someone could love me more than myself or,
10.   She knew more about me than me.

This is a 10 idea exercise I have done today and I am surprised by the last two answers.
What is wrong with me? How can I hate and say hurtful things to a person who loves me more than me?
I am jacks complete surprise.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Don't go back to sleep.

Don't go back to sleep.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
Where the two worlds touch
The door is round and open
Don't go back to sleep.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Invisible you

I am a nobody. Really, I am a nobody. If I walk right by you, you will not see me. If I sit beside you in class, you will not notice me. If I ask you what time it is you will not even look at me. I am a nobody.

When I said 'I', I meant you,I meant him,her and everyone. For some reason we have all become invisible.